WHMCS Wise Borderless Tools Addon Strong Customer Authentication Print

  • WHMCS Wise Borderless addon
  • 2

To enable SCA on your Wise account, please follow these few simple steps:

1. Create a public/private key pair

Go to your WHMCS TransferWise module settings page. In the TransferWise Authentication box, click on Generate .pem key to download the .pem public key file, you will only need to do this once and you can always retrieve the created public key by clicking the Download .pem key button. If you wish to create a new key pair, click on Recreate .pem key.

2. Upload the .pem key file to your Wise account

Go to your TransferWise account settings, scroll down and click on API Tokens.
Click on the Manage public keys button, you may be required to authenticate using your preferred 2FA authentication method.
Next, click on Add new key, give the key a name and upload the .pem file obtained in the previous step.
Remember to turn on SCA by clicking on Turn on SCA!

3. You are now set to go!

Your WHMCS TransferWise addon module will now sign requests to the /statements API endpoint, when required by TransferWise, with your private key which is safely stored with added encryption on your WHMCS installation.

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