WHMCS ItRegistrar NIC.it registrar module Setup Guide Print

  • NIC.it registrar, NIC IT ITALIANO
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Setting up your ItRegistrar NIC.it registrar module is easy.
Please follow these few simple steps to ensure your module is installed and running correctly:

1. Download the module

Go to your client area, select the Services section and click on your ItRegistrar NIC.it registrar module product.
Click on Downloads in the Overview panel on the left and download the .tar.gz package. The versions for PHP 5.6, 7.1 and 7.2 are contained in the file.

2. Unpack and upload the module

Once unpacked, the package contains three folders named by PHP version. Choose a version according to the PHP version in use on your WHMCS system and upload the registrars and addons folder to your ./modules/ WHMCS folder.

3. Activate the registrar module

From your WHMCS admin panel, click on the menu Setup / Products / Domain Registrars link.
Find the ItRegistrar NIC.it module, click on Activate.

4. Registrar module configuration

Once the module is activated, click on Configure.
The settings are as follows:

License Key
Insert your license key, as found on your Utixo client panel (es. Owned-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).
You will need a valid license key to register, transfer or manage your domains.

Paste the URL epp.nic.it in this field.
If trying the module with a test NIC.it account, then use the URL epp.pubtest.nic.it

Your NIC.it username.

Your NIC.it password.

Domain Deletion Admin Emails
Check this box if you would like to receive an email report when automatic delete requests for expired domains are sent to the NIC.

5. Automatic registrar module association

To automatically setup your .it domains to use the ItRegistrar registrar module, navigate to Setup / Products / Domain Pricing and select Itregistrar in the Auto Registration field for .it domains.

6. Activate the addon module

From your WHMCS admin panel, click on the menu Setup / Addon Modules link.
Find the ItRegistrar module, click on Activate. Remember to configure the Access Control for the Admin Role Groups required.

No additional configuration is required for the addon module, all the addon's settings are shared with the registrar module configured in step 4.





.it domains are automatically renewed by the italian NIC: when a domain reaches its expiry date it enters an AutoRenewPeriod state, lasting 15 days, during which the domain renewal can be cancelled without paying the renewal cost.


The ItRegistrar registrar module automatically sends a delete request for WHMCS .it domains not renewed before their expiry date.
This delete request is sent when the domain reaches the end of its Grace Period status on WHMCS.
WHMCS versions older than 7.5 don't support the Grace and Redemption Period status, in which case ItRegistrar will send the delete request 15 days after the expiry date (i.e. the last of the 15 days AutoRenewPeriod).

For a more effective management and to have a clearer view of your domains, we suggest the following settings on your WHMCS:

Domain Grace and Redemption Fees
WHMCS Setup / General Settings, Domains tab. Enable this setting to use WHMCS 7.5+ Grace and Redemption Period functions and fees.

Grace Period and Redemption Period
WHMCS Setup / Products/Services / Domain Pricing. Find the .it TLD in the list and click on the cog icon next to the move and delete icons, a panel will open showing the settings for Grace and Redemption Periods.

We recommend setting the Grace Period to 14 days or less. A setting of 15 or more would send the delete request after the end of the AutoRenewPeriod so the NIC would charge the cost for the domain automatic renewal.

We suggest enabling and setting the Redemption Period to 30 days. When after the Grace Period a delete request is sent, the NIC will assign the domain a PendingDelete state, lasting 30 days, during which the domain is still active and the delete request can be cancelled by issuing a restore request; after the 30 days PendingDelete period, the domain will be finally deleted by the NIC. A WHMCS Redemption Period set to 30 days would coincide with the domain's NIC PendingDelete period length, this way you always know when a domain can still be restored or renewed.

To enable the Redemption Period on WHMCS, make sure that the Redemption Period Fee is not set to WHMCS default '0.00' value. If the default value is left, WHMCS will set the domain status as Expired after the Grace Period ends and the delete request is sent.
If you wish not to charge your clients additional fees for renewals during the Redemption Period, type 0 (zero) in this field.




Activating the addon module in some cases will trigger a Oops something went wrong error page.
When that happens, we suggest trying to set the Load Encoded Files option to Attempt to load all files. The setting can be found in WHMCS Setup / General Settings, Other tab.


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