Email security Suite Libraesva: Access to the spam quarantine, how to release a mail Print

  • antispam antivirus libraesva, accesso quarantena Libraesva, sblocco email libraesva
  • 10

To access the quarantine and configuration of the Email Security system proceed as follows:

  1. Log into the console

  2. Enter your email
  3. Cliccare su link "Forgot your Password?"

  4. An email is sent to your account

  5. Click on the "Authenticate this device" link on the email received to access the Email Security Libraesva system

You are now logged into the system.
From this interface you will be able to view all received and blocked emails, manage whitelists, blacklists and quarantine.

It is also possible to appoint an administrator to manage settings and spam for the whole domain or multiple domains.

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